  • PBR Materials Generator/Add-on for Project/Materials Manager
Quickly create PBR materials in bulk from textures.
Customize presets and generate material libraries from thousands of textures, all within Project Manager.
Fine-tune material presets directly within Project Manager, and generate material libraries from thousands of textures in a single batch.
Supports Vray, Corona, Arnold, Redshift, Octane, and FStorm.
Requires a license for Project Manager or Materials Manager.
Supports to Project Manager 3.37.69 or newest
Supports to Materials Manager 2.42.02 or newest
 First, download the PBR Materials Generator.
• Extract the contents into a folder, for example Project Manager add-ons
• Open Project/Materials Manager.
• Add the script to the interface. It is most convenient to place it in the treeview menu, although you may also add it to the toolbar if you prefer.
PBR Materials Generator/Add-on for Project/Materials Manager


1. Suffix
Define suffix patterns to ignore parts of file names when grouping textures.
_1K, _2K can be ignored by setting the suffix to _[0-9]*k.

Group Files:

2. Group Files:
If the folder contains multiple different file sets, the algorithm will attempt to split them into groups for material creation.
Possible values: Enable / Auto / Disable
  • Enable – Always groups textures into separate sets for material creation.
  • Auto – Automatically determines whether to group files based on their names and structure.
  • Disable – Disables grouping, leaving all files in a single list.

Group by extension

3. Group by extension
Group by extension – When enabled, file grouping considers file extensions (JPG, TIF, etc.).

Preferred Resolutions

4. Preferred Resolutions
Possible values: Use All Available / Highest Available / Lowest Available
  • Use All Available – Processes all texture variations, regardless of resolution suffix. (Default behavior)
  • Highest Available – Selects only one texture with the highest available resolution in each set.
  • Lowest Available – Selects only one texture with the lowest available resolution in each set.
Resolution Determination – The tool detects resolution using common suffixes such as _1K, _2K, _4K, etc.  Textures without specified suffixes will be used always

Include Subfolders

5. Include Subfolders
Include Subfolders: If enabled, the tool will scan all subdirectories for textures.


6. Output
Defines where generated material libraries will be saved.
  • Save Materials to the Specified Path: material libraries will be stored to one directory.
  • Save to a Single Material Library: all materials will be stored in a single .mat library file.
  • Save Materials in the Same Folder as Textures: material libraries will be stored alongside the original textures.

Save to version

7. Save to version
Save to version: Specify the desired 3D Max version for material library saving (supports 2024 and later).


8. Renderer
Choose between supported renderers (e.g., V-Ray, Corona).


9. Preset
Select predefined material settings

Edit Preset

10. Edit Preset
Open the dialog to add/edit custom presets

Library Overwrite Mode

11. Library Overwrite Mode
Possible values: Overwrite / Auto-Rename / Confirm Overwrite
  • Overwrite – Replaces existing material libraries with the same name.
  • Auto-Rename – Creates a new version of the material library with a unique name instead of replacing it.
  • Confirm Overwrite – Prompts the user before replacing existing material library.


12. Logging
Enable Logging: If checked, the script will generate a log file.
Log Path: Defines the directory where logs will be saved.

Generate Materials

13. Generate Materials 
Start the generation process